Friday, August 29, 2008

Someday by Allison Mcghee

I was in the children's section at the bookstore and came across a book that caught my eye "Someday" by Allison Mcghee. It is really a beautiful book, but for a parent who has lost their child it is just so very sad. Of course, I started to cry right away because it just reminded me of the fact that Daniel will never grow-up, he'll never be able to enjoy all the triumphs of life that make us who we are and he'll never grow old. He'll always be my baby and my little angel. Here is a quote from the book that is on the inside cover.

A mother's love leads to a mother's dream — every mother's dream — for her child to live life to its fullest.

I wish some people could understand that my dreams for Daniel have been crushed along with my heart.

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