April 24, 2008, the day I returned from the hospital after giving birth to Daniel, was a beautiful spring day, much like today, and although I still looked very much pregnant and I was feeling so very sad, I remember just wanting the sun to shine down on me. Our neighbors' good friend, Andy, had stopped by their house and both John and I were outside in our neighbors' yard at the time. Andy walked up and with a very sincere look in his eyes and sound in his voice he told us how sorry he was for our loss. He was probably one of the first people we saw after losing Daniel and his heartfelt sympathy at the time helped to satisfy the need for acknowledgement that many parents suffer from following the stillbirth of their child.
Today is April 18, 2009, a beautiful spring day, and I spent some time this evening at church praying for Andy - the same man who was able to provide me with a few moments of comfort during a very sad time in my life. I hadn't seen him in a long time and although he looked much different I could still recognize him by his eyes - the sincere eyes that expressed their sorrow to me just a year ago. Andy is very sick and is fighting a rapidly progressing stomach cancer that has spread to other parts of his body. He has two young children, 4 and 1, and a wife whose love for him seems unwavering.
I wish I knew what God's plan is for Andy. Sometimes with great suffering its hard for us to understand why and we are forced to trust that God's plan is one with purpose. During the prayer service the priest mentioned that Andy said that he "trusted God". I hope that in his trust he will find peace. As Daniel's birthday approaches, I find myself being more and more affected by the heartache that Andy and his family must be feeling. I only wish I could offer him the same comfort he offered me. Please pray for Andy.
Update: Andy passed away today - Wednesday April 22nd - the same day we found out Daniel had died. God bless his family and may they find peace in knowing he is in heaven with the angels.